One-Punch Man Wiki

"Are You Stupid?" (馬鹿かお前, Bakaka Omae) is the 34th chapter of the One-Punch Man manga series.


Part 1

Geryuganshoop enters a fight with Saitama hurling a rock at him using telekinesis, but he is unaffected. Saitama retaliates by throwing a rock back at him with enough force to split his head in two. Boros who has observed the fight is impressed and explains how he has traveled through the entire universe, because a prophet who told him about someone who could give him an enjoyable fight. Saitama then punches Boros in the stomach scolding him about rampaging on other planets. Boros miraculously survives, but his armor that seals his strength is broken, Boros then begins a new transformation.

An alien grunt focuses the ships cannons in order to support Melzargard against the S-Class heroes, but just when the missiles were about to hit the ground Tatsumaki stops them in mid-air.

Part 2

Tatsumaki stops the missiles saving the S-Class heroes, she then sends them back at the ship damaging it, to the distress of Melzargard. The S-Class heroes then gain the advantage over Melzargard with Bang finding another one of his cores, Melzargard then hits back at Bang.

The fight between Saitama and Boros continues, with both individuals acknowledging each other's strength.

Tanktop Master then tries to help Tatsumaki by throwing a piece of a building at the ship, but ends up getting caught up in her own psychic attack against the ship. The crew of the ship worry about their fate due to the attack. Genos, Drive Knight and Child Emperor watch as Tatsumaki attacks the ship. Drive Knight decides that he's not needed and leaves, but not before giving a warning to Genos about Metal Knight. 

Part 3 version 1

Melzargard grows to a larger size, gloating about how he has defeated Bang and threatening the other S-Class heroes. Bang proceeds to get up, looking unhurt and shocking Melzargard, who then is attacked by Atomic Samurai and finally defeated by Bang.

Saitama and Boros continue their fight, with Boros beginning to gain an upper hand firing a laser from his chest and then knocking Saitama down from behind. Boros explains about his home planet being almost inhospitable and how they have adapted regenerative powers to survive. Saitama seems to ignore Boros' story asking Boros if he is done with the fight.

Part 3 Version 2

Same as version 1. Except instead of Boros kicking Saitama in the back while in the air sending him crashing into the ship, Saitama comes out of the rubble while Boros appears behind and hitting him in the back of the head. 

Bonus Page

  • Genos is reading a book to gain psychic powers, when Saitama asked why he even reads it. Genos gives some basic examples like bending iron and bursting paper into flame, when Saitama retorts that he can already do it. Genos simply says he gave bad examples.

Characters in Order of Appearance

Chapter Notes

  • In the Volume Release, this chapter was split. Part 1 and Part 2 was collected in Volume 6, while they made Part 3 a different chapter called The Fight (戦い Tatakai).


Volume 1 12345678Extra
Volume 2
Volume 3 1617181920ExtraSpecial
Volume 4
Volume 5 2526272829ExtraOmake
Volume 6
Volume 7 353637Extra 1Extra 2Extra 3Omake 1Omake 2
Volume 8
Volume 9 41424344454647Extra
Volume 10
Volume 11 565758596061Extra 1Extra 2
Volume 12
Volume 13 68697071Special
Volume 14
Volume 15 7677787980Extra 1Extra 2Extra 3
Volume 16
Volume 17 858687ExtraOmake
Volume 18
Volume 19 91929394Extra
Volume 20
Volume 21 979899100101Extra
Volume 22
Volume 23 107108109110111112Extra
Volume 24
Volume 25 119 • 120 • 121 • 122 • 123 • 124 • 125 • ExtraOmake
Volume 26
Volume 27 132 • 133 • 134 • 135 • 136 • 137
Volume 28
Volume 29 144 • 145 • 146 • 147 • 148 • 149 • 149 • 150
Volume 30
Online 119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202
Retconned Chapters 195196197